LP Tools
Book of Binance has an innovative V3 liquidity tool that all $BOOK holders can use when looking to take profits on their position.
What Does the V3 Tool Do?
The V3 tool allows anyone holding BOOK to create a single sided V3 LP position.
A single sided V3 LP position will start as 100% BOOK, and will convert BOOK into BNB as the BOOK price increases. Trading fees will be earned along the way.
Locking V3 LP Positions for Bonus
When creating your positions with our V3 LP tool, you will have the option to lock the position. Let's compare both options
Create V3 LP Position with 100% BOOK
Holder of V3 position after creation
V3 TOOL Contract
Bonus for creating position
Collect trading fees anytime
Can withdraw assets
When position is 100% BNB
Understanding Parameters for Creating Position
There are a few options/parameters that must be set when creating your position, let's go over them
BOOK Amount. How much BOOK will you use to create the position
BOOK Range. The starting price range for your BOOK V3 position will always be the closest price to the current price. The ending range is what you can adjust. You can select anything from 2x to 100x for the ending price. The ending ratio will determine the BOOK price move needed before the position is fully converted to BNB. A 2x will require BOOK to 2x, a 50x will require BOOK to 50x, etc.
Lock Position. If locking the position, you will be able to withdraw your assets once it has fully converted to BNB. If not locking, you will instantly receive the V3 LP in your wallet.
Review details before submitting
Approve $BOOK, and then Submit the transaction
Bonus Amounts for Locked Positions
When selecting to lock your V3 LP position, you will receive additional bonus BOOK to create a bigger LP position.
The bonus percentage that you receive depends on how wide of a range you set on your LP.
50x - 100x
20x - 49x
10x - 19x
5x - 9x
2x - 4x
Note: Unlocked positions do not receive any bonus
Last updated